Books are always of interest to quizzers, so we thought a section on quiz-related books would be useful.
Feel free to contact us with any suggestions you may have.
(ISBN: 1-970824-22-9)
Written by Donald Yule, honorary life President of the Quiz League of London, with foreword by Magnus Magnusson, this is an essential read for anyone who is interested in the fascinating world of team quizzing.
Playing from Memory gives a detailed insight into the rules, tactics and personalties involved in the world of team quizzing.
Quiz players of all experiences will find this book very useful into helping them to become both a better individual player and team quiz player.
The book can be purchased directly from the publisher, also a QLL player: Beccon Publications, 75 Rosslyn Avenue, Harold Wood, Essex RM3 0RG e-mail:
Beccon Publications for £9.00 plus 75p post & packing.
Royalties go to the Quiz League of London.
(ISBN: 978-1848092693)
Written by quiz writer, long-time QLLer and current Eclectic Stewart McCartney, this takes over from where John Timbs' 1841 book of the same name left off.
The book has completely new material - around 200 or so 'popular errors' from science and literature, history, sport, popular culture and so on.
Each entry will have that eyebrow raising 'I didn't know that!' or 'Surely that cannot be true!' feel.
Every one will explode a commonly held misbelief.
Published by Preface Publishing, this is available from
Amazon in hardback and Kindle format, as well as the other usual outlets.